Saturday, 23 March 2013

Top 10 strongest pokemons

1. regigigas 

( regigigas has a the attack power higher than slaking this pokemon is very efficent to use in battles)

2. slaking
( slaking has the hp almost to giritna its attacks areare very good famous pokemon on unovarpg )

3. kyogre 
( this guy can take 230 hp if the attack is sucessfull very good pokemon to uses)

4. arceus 

( can learn any attack, can recover almost 50-60 hp and its good in attack )

5. dialga 
( good against almost all the types and also has a good resistance for attacks )

6. giritina 
( has a verrrry great amount of hp almost all attacks deal less than 120 damage it does have a lot of defense )

7. zekrom 

( great and ideal to use if the opponent has pokes with dragon type )

8. rayquaza 
( has very good attacks like outrage and a goot attack stat )

9. reshiram 

( high attack stat and great dragon type pokemon having a lot of dragon type moves )

10. snorlax 

( has many various attacks and a bit good defense )


  1. I want reshiram now and zekrom

  2. i have all pokemons that are above and some of them are double add me in facebook

  3. and if u awnt pokemons please pm me first

  4. my zekrom is awesome

  5. Replies
    1. you have to go to pokemon locator and put in zekrom then go to the island that u can catch it on.

  6. I am not able to battle with all dialga
