These are the types of the pokemons the leaders of the SINNOH use:
1. Rock : A Sceptile of Lv-80 to 100 should do the work.
2. Grass : A Magmorter or moltress of Lv- 80 to 100 should do the work.
3. Fight & Lucario: A Regigigas of Lv-100 should do the work.
4. Water: A Sceptile and a Thunder type pokemon of Lv-80 to 100 should do the work.
5. Ghost : A Fire and a Thunder type pokemon of Lv-80 to 100 should do the work.
6. Steel: A Fire type pokemon of Lv-100 should do the work.
7. Ice : A Fire type pokemon of Lv-100 should do the work.
8. Electric : A Fire type pokemon and a regigigas of Lv-100 should do the work.
So, You may have a team like this,
Focus Punch
Thunder Wave
Flair Blitz
Focus Punch
Leaf Storm
Giga Impact
Giga impact
Focus Punch
Focus Punch
Hyper Beam
Hyper Beam
Focus Punch
Any You Like
Hyper Beam
Any You Like
* Thunder Wave will paralize any pokemon.
* Be careful with choosing and using your moves. Because when you will go further you will see that You have a lot of HP left of your pokemons but your pokemon's attack stats are all 0. So you will not be able to go further as you will not have any attacks left. So dont waste your attacks.
* Don't battle with any other trainer but the gym leaders.
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