Team 1 Team 2
Sceptile Venusaur
Infernape Entei
Feraligatr Swampert
Electrivire Raichu
Dragonite Salamence
Garchomp Nidoqueen
Sunday, 8 December 2013
2 Best teams
Easy way to make the pokemon's level higher
You need to have a Jigglypuff and a Jynx, Find a trainer that have Level 5-25.Put on the pokemon you want to level up or evolve at the first,This is a example: The one Lv.11 and when youre battling change it faster before it attacks and you changeyou want to level up is charmander that is Lv. 10 and youre battling a kakuna
that is jigglypuff and jigglypuff used pound that is 14 damage and until the HP is 1-20 and used sing or Lovely kiss when its asleep change the jigglypuff to
charmander and attack and until it dies so you will have a 46 ex. thats it.
Evolves with stones
Clamperl to Gorebyss: Deep Sea Scale.
Clamperl to Huntail: Deep Sea Tooth.
Eevee to Flareon: Fire Stone.
Eevee to Jolteon: Thunder Stone.
Eevee to Vaporeon: Water Stone.
Gloom to Bellosom: Sun Stone.
Growlithe to Arcanine: Fire Stone.
Pikachu to Raichu: Thunder Stone.
Poliwhirl to Politoed: King Rock.
Roselia to Roserade: Shiny Stone.
Seadra to Kingdra: Dragon Scale.
Slowpoke to Slowking: King Rock.
Vulpix to Ninetales: Fire Stone.
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